Our Newest Addition

Julia Suzanne was born on February 3, 2006 at 7:44AM She weighed 7 pounds 6 ounces and was 19 inches long. The most beautiful baby ever!!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Swimming for the first time

On Father's Day (June 18th) we took Julia and her Daddy up to Saratoga Lake to go out on the boat and go swimming. It was a very hot day (93 degrees) and we decided that it would be best if we just parked the boat and throw out the anchor and float. Julia went swimming for the first time and liked it (although it was a little cold) and then she decided that she had had enough and wanted a nap. It was a very nice day and everyone had a nice time. What a way to spend Scott's first father's day...out on the lake, in the boat and with his two favorite girls.

Julia loves pears

Julia is now eating baby food and loving it. The picture that I attached is of her eating pears. She loves them...just not sure if she got any in her mouth by looking at the picture.

Friday, June 16, 2006

The family

On June 3rd we went to Scott's cousin Liza's wedding. It was a cold rainy day but we had a good time. These pictures are from the reception with us dancing and hanging out.

So Sleepy

Just thought that this was a cute picture. I caught her mid yawn.

Julia Has Cereal For The First Time

Last Friday (June 9th) Julia went for her four month check-up and shots. She weighted 14 pounds 1 ounce and is 25 inches long. Dr. Duff said that she is old enough to have cereal and fruits now. We tried her on cereal and she was too funny. She couldn't figure out how to swallow at first and kept spitting out the cereal. But after a week she has finally gotten it. Check out her pics of her eating for the first time.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Ice Cream For The First TIme

On Friday, Julia's Daddy decided to give her ice cream for the first time. She is cutting her first tooth so she is constantly chewing on her hands, or whatever she can find. So Scott decided that he would give Julia ice cream because it was cold and it would probably feel good on her teeth. And to our surprise...she loved it...as you can see from the pictures.

Julia and Daddy

Julia and her Daddy by the pier.....

Julia and Mommy

Julia and Mommy hanging out at the pier enjoying the beautiful weather in Burlington, Vermont on Friday.

Pictures on the pier

How cute am I??? These pictures were taken along the pier of Lake Champlain. It almost looks like it is a backdrop and not an actual outdoor picture. Julia just loves to be outside. We were swinging on a big swing when Scott tooke these.

First Family Vacation

On Thursday we all left for Burlington, Vermont for our first family vacation. We left out house around 4PM and headed on the road for a 3 hour ride. Julia was excellent. She slept the whole day basically and only fussed at about the 2 1/2 hour mark because she was hungry....we fed her and put Finding Nemo on the dvd player and she was content for the rest of the ride to Gramma and Pappa's. We spent Friday walking around Battery Park and down by Lake Champlain and relaxing. The pictures are from Battery Park and down by the pier on the Lake. Then on Saturday we went to Cousin Liza and Shawn's wedding. A little rainy and cold but it was nice to see family.