Our Newest Addition

Julia Suzanne was born on February 3, 2006 at 7:44AM She weighed 7 pounds 6 ounces and was 19 inches long. The most beautiful baby ever!!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Pappa's Chirstmas party at Union College

On December 7, 2006 we went to Pappa's Christmas party for Union College. It was held at the Marriott. We met Mimi and Great Nana there. We had some food and sat on Santa's lap. Pappa was helping out Santa that day and it took a little convincing for Julia to sit on his lap. She didn't recognize him so he had to say "Helloooo Beautiful" which is what he always says to her. Once she heard his voice she was ok to sit on his lap.


Julia celebrated her first Thanksgiving. We went to Great Aunt Debbies and Dans. We shared teh holidays with Mimi, Pappa, Aunt Titi, Uncle Dave, Great Aunt Tracie and Great Uncle Mike, Jimmy, Jenn, Christopher, Great Great Nana, Audry, and Renee. Julia just loved the sweet potaoes and turkey and of course the pickles.


Julia can now pull herself up and has started furniture creeping. We closed on our house and are in the process of packing up. What a mess.


Julia was a daisy for Halloween. We went and visited Nona and Aunt Breanna, Great Gram and Great Pop, and then went trick or treating with Mimi and Pappa and Auntie Dea, Skyler and Kaylee. Not a clue what the holiday was about...but next year will have a blast.

Hiking at Five Rivers

On September 28, 2006 Julia and I went hiking at Five Rivers in Delmar with Great Aunt Kathy and 2nd Cousin Kara. It was a gorgeous day and we had a lot of fun taking pictures and walking around looking at wildlife. Julia just chilled in the carrier and we took turns carrying her. Boy she sure was heavy in it.


Julia's favorite thing to do is jump in her jumperoo.......

Pictures from August

On August, 19, 2006 we took Julia to the Catskill Game Farm before it officially closed its doors in October. After 50+ years in business it closed sadly. After growing up in Catskill all my life and right down the street from the Game Farm, Scott and I thought it appropriate to take Julia to follow tradition. Although she was only 6 months old she absolutely loved seeing all the animals. Her favorite part was the nursery and petting area. She fed the animals the bottles and tried to take it herself.

What a Slacker I am

Ok...so about a year ago I started this page for Julia and said that I would update it.....guess what...I didn't. So now I am going to try and continue with this. I will be attempting to go back to the last entry and add one picture a month to try and get this thing current. Hope that everyone is well. Keep in touch.
