Our Newest Addition

Julia Suzanne was born on February 3, 2006 at 7:44AM She weighed 7 pounds 6 ounces and was 19 inches long. The most beautiful baby ever!!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Got Daddy Good

Daddy did the midnight feeding last night and Julia decided to give him a little present. Somehow in the past five weeks he has managed to escape the projectile vomit that Julia sometimes has....until last night. I was sleeping and all of a sudden I hear him calling for my help. Julia had decided to throw up all over herself and her Father. Scott's shirt was covered as well as Julia. Should have gotten a picture but I was half asleep.

Earlier that night she had an incident with her explosive diarreha. Seems that the diaper that she had been wearing didn't quite fit her good enough. When I went to pick her up out of her swing to go and change her pants she had poopy all over her and the swing. Julia blew out her diaper and had pooped so much that it had leaked into her sock. The poor little thing. It was all over her so Daddy gave her a bath while I cleaned up the poopy. Somehow I think that I got the short end of the stick on that one.

All in all it was definately a night of messyness!!


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