Our Newest Addition

Julia Suzanne was born on February 3, 2006 at 7:44AM She weighed 7 pounds 6 ounces and was 19 inches long. The most beautiful baby ever!!

Friday, April 28, 2006

Julia's First Boat Ride

Today we took Julia out on the boat for the first time. The first 20 minutes of the ride were certainly not a good time. Julia hated her lifevest and screamed her head off. After I got her settled down we took one of her arms out of the vest and let her hang out while Scott was fishing. As you can see from her pictures she was not very comfortable. She also got to wear her new sunglasses and bonnet that Aunt Kathy bought her for Easter. Once she got used to the vest she settled down and we had a nice trip around the river.


Just thought you all would enjoy the chunky picture of Little Miss Julia on the couch. Looks like someone put rubberbands on her arms and legs. And look at that little potbelly. She is just too darn cute and what a good eater she is.


So last Saturday Julia got her ears pierced. Scott met me at the mall for dinner and left Julia with me so that he and Norm could go around the corner to the Old Brick to pick up Sandy's couch. Well I took the opportunity to go and see Danitra at Piercing Pagoda to see if Julia's earlobes were big enough yet and they were so I went ahead and had them done. Well Scott flipped out because he didn't want to have her ears done and got a little angry with me. We have agreed to disagree and not talk about the situation. I think that they look cute but he hates them. He will get used to them though. Let me know what you guys think.

12 Weeks Old

Julia is 12 weeks old today and she is getting soooo big as you can see from the pictures. Hard to believe that 12 weeks ago she wasn't even here. She is sleeping throught the night now and last night she slept in her crib for the first time and loved it. She loves her sleep. And when she wakes up in the morning she is such a happy little girl. She giggles and smiles and laughes. Such a cutie pie.

Dress up

Yesterday I changed Julia's dresser around. I took out all of her 0-3 months clothes and packed them up for Kaylee (Andrea's little girl that will be here soon) and put the 3-6 months clothes in her dresser and closet. A little sad because it is hard to believe that she has outgrown clothes already. So there were a few outfits that I had never gotten pictures of her in so we played dress-up and got some pictures. By the last outfit, Julia was a little angry as you can see from the pictures. But it was fun. She is growing up sooo fast.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Cheesey Smile

I just love this picture of Julia. I had just gotten done feeding her when she decided that she would throw up all over me. After handing her to her Daddy....Scott decided to talk to her and say how funny it was that she had thrown up all over me. She obviously thought that it was funny too because she kept laughing and giggling at her Daddy. Priceless....

10 Weeks Old and Getting Bigger By the Minute

Julia is now 10 weeks old and growing by the minute. It is hard to believe that she has already been out and with us for 10 weeks already. Attached are just a some of the pictures that are my favorites that I thought I would share. She is such a little angel and the perfect little baby.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Julia's First Easter

Yesterday was Julia's first Easter. Although we weren't able to color eggs and hide them for her to find...it was still nice to dress her up in her Easter dress and take her to church. We went to the 11am service...which is naptime and she was super fussy. But we sat in the hall and listened to church there. Then we went to Grammie and Poppa's for lunch/dinner. Mommy was super sick so we didn't stay long. Then we came home and took some naps.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Breakfast with the Easter Bunny

This morning Mommy, Daddy, Julia, Uncle Sean, Auntie Dia and Skyler all went to the Elk Lodge in Colonie for Breakfast with the Easter Bunny. We had a breakfast buffet and then went and had our pictures taken with the Easter Bunny. The picture is of Julia and Skyler and then just Julia. Skyler was too scared of the Bunny the 2nd time to get her picture taken with Julia. She would only give the bunny a "High 5."

The Wizard of Oz

So Friday and Saturday night Julia went and saw her first musical. Her Aunt Breanna was in the Wizard of Oz and was a "Tough Guy Munchkin" and a "Jitterbug" and did a good job. Julia was a perfect little baby throughout the entire 3 1/2 hour play. The only time she fussed was when Tyler, who played the Scarecrow, was getting down off his post. Other than that she listened to the music and slept. The picture is of her and Aunt Breanna before the play on Saturday night.

Friday, April 07, 2006

2 Month Physical

Julia went for her two month physical today. She now weights 11 pounds 10 ounces and is 22 3/4 inches long. What a little meatball she is. She also got three sets of shots today...which needless to say she did not like at all...as you can see from the picture. She also got cute little purple bandaids on her booboos....which incidently matched the outfit she was wearing.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Easter Bunny

Today Daddy and Julia met Mommy at the mall for Mommy's lunch break. Daddy was slightly cranky after trying to get Layla, Cody and Julia all into the car to Grammie and Pappa's house for the day. After they got to the mall...we took Julia to see the Easter Bunny and have her picture taken. She was sooo good and sat very content on the Easter Bunny's lap as you can see from the picture.