Our Newest Addition

Julia Suzanne was born on February 3, 2006 at 7:44AM She weighed 7 pounds 6 ounces and was 19 inches long. The most beautiful baby ever!!

Friday, April 28, 2006


So last Saturday Julia got her ears pierced. Scott met me at the mall for dinner and left Julia with me so that he and Norm could go around the corner to the Old Brick to pick up Sandy's couch. Well I took the opportunity to go and see Danitra at Piercing Pagoda to see if Julia's earlobes were big enough yet and they were so I went ahead and had them done. Well Scott flipped out because he didn't want to have her ears done and got a little angry with me. We have agreed to disagree and not talk about the situation. I think that they look cute but he hates them. He will get used to them though. Let me know what you guys think.


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