Our Newest Addition

Julia Suzanne was born on February 3, 2006 at 7:44AM She weighed 7 pounds 6 ounces and was 19 inches long. The most beautiful baby ever!!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Back to work

So after being home for 8 weeks (2 before Julia was born and 6 after) I am going back to work today. It is going to be really hard leaving Julia to go back to work. Today won't be that bad because I will be going in at 3:30 and only working 6 hours...but Wednesday and Saturday are going to kill me because I am working 12 hours. But atleast I don't have to put Julia in daycare. On the days that I work from 3:30 to close (only 2 days a week) I will drop her off at her Daddy's work at 3 and then head off to work myself. On Wednesday's Julia will get dropped of at her Grammie's house (Scott's mom) where the two of them will hang out for the day until her Daddy gets out of work at 3 and then the two of them will hang out until I get home and on Saturday's Julia and her Daddy will spend the whole day together. I am pretty lucky that I am working retail so that I can stay home and help raise my daughter and not have to put her in daycare. Working 4 days a week isn't that bad. Wish me luck today...I will probably cry when I leave her with her Daddy. I will write more later when I get home from work to let you know how the day went.


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