Our Newest Addition

Julia Suzanne was born on February 3, 2006 at 7:44AM She weighed 7 pounds 6 ounces and was 19 inches long. The most beautiful baby ever!!

Friday, March 31, 2006

Tub Time

Just thought that this picture was too cute not to post. I have found that it is way easier to get Julia and I ready in the mornings when I go to work if I bring her in the shower with me and get her clean that way rather than drawing a bath. So this picture is of Julia after the shower. She is so cute all snug as a bug in a rug.

Ducky Outfit

Little Miss Julia in her Ducky outfit from Aunt Jonelle. How cute am I?

8 Weeks Old Already

So today Julia is 8 weeks old. I can hardly believe that it has already been 8 weeks since she was born. She is growing like a weed and sleeping through the night. She is almost 11 pounds already. She has started smiling and giggling now...especially when her Daddy changes her pants...it is almost like she is laughing AT HIM (just kidding Scott). She is also able to grab at items when she is laying on her activity mat and bat at the butterflys that hang. And she can pretty much hold her head up on her own now...every once in a while she goes "Ray Charles" on us. How cute is she in the picture that I attached. She was on her way to Grammie's house when I took the picture. Was really hard to leave her that day.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Our First BBQ

So today was a beautiful day outside. When Daddy got home from work we decided that we would have a little BBQ outside. Uncle John and Nona came to visit tonight. Daddy made burgers and salad and we had a great time. Then we came inside and hung out for a little while and watched American Idol. Nona hadn't seen Julia in almost 3 weeks so she basically took care of Julia all afternoon and night so that Mommy and Daddy could have a breather. The picture is of Nona feeding Julia outside.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Julia Slept Through the ENTIRE Night

Last night Julia slept through the entire night. We put her in her bed at 9:30 PM and she slept all the way until 5:30AM. I woke up at 2:30AM to check on her and couldn't believe that she was still sleeping and then when she woke up at 5:30AM I couldn't believe that it was the time it was. Then she ate and went back to bed at 6AM and slept till 9AM. And she is sleeping again now. She is definately a baby that likes to sleep. Thank God for that!

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Mommy back to work

So I have now been back to work for a complete week. Wednesday Julia spent the day at Grammie's (Scott's mom) and had a blast with her. She spent the most of the day hanging out on her activity mat and talking to Grammie. Daddy picked her up at 3 and came to see me for dinner. Then they came home and hung out together. Julia actually did really well for being away from her Mommy for 12 hours (and Mommy did ok too). Thursday she hung out with Daddy from 3:30PM til Mommy got home at 10PM and she did ok. Saturday Daddy had Julia all by herself and lucky for him...she slept most of the day away. We think that she might be going through a growth spurt again because she barely ate. Lucky for us the growth spurt is a sleeping one and not an eating one. She is a good little girl. She is still sleeping most of the night. Going to bed between 9 and 11 and then sleeping to 3 or 4...eating and then sleeping til 8ish. She is definately a baby that needs sleep. We are very blessed.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


So I went back to work yesterday and it wasn't that bad. A 6 hour shift is actually quite nice. Julia had a harder time than I did though. After dropping her off at her Daddy's work around 3PM, she came home with him and their fun began. Scott didn't realize how much work is involved in taking care a baby ALL BY YOURSELF. See when he would come home at 3...we would share the responsibility. But when you are home all alone with her...it isn't as easy as one would like to think. You can't take a shower, or really get anything done because she requires all of your attention at night. The poor thing was still up when I got home from work at 10PM and was up until 11:30-12. I think that she just had a hard time being with her Daddy all night because she was so used to being home with her Mommy for 6 weeks. Wednesday should be interesting because she is going to be at Grammie's all day and then home with Daddy all night and so she won't see me for 12 hours. Atleast she isn't at daycare though and she is with family. She is trying to adjust just like us...so it might take some time. But boy am I sure tired today. She didn't really sleep all night and just wanted to be held. And even now...she is still awake. The poor thing is sooo tired that she won't just give in. The picture that I am adding today is her asleep on the couch...but crying in her sleep because she is sooo tired. It was too funny.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Back to work

So after being home for 8 weeks (2 before Julia was born and 6 after) I am going back to work today. It is going to be really hard leaving Julia to go back to work. Today won't be that bad because I will be going in at 3:30 and only working 6 hours...but Wednesday and Saturday are going to kill me because I am working 12 hours. But atleast I don't have to put Julia in daycare. On the days that I work from 3:30 to close (only 2 days a week) I will drop her off at her Daddy's work at 3 and then head off to work myself. On Wednesday's Julia will get dropped of at her Grammie's house (Scott's mom) where the two of them will hang out for the day until her Daddy gets out of work at 3 and then the two of them will hang out until I get home and on Saturday's Julia and her Daddy will spend the whole day together. I am pretty lucky that I am working retail so that I can stay home and help raise my daughter and not have to put her in daycare. Working 4 days a week isn't that bad. Wish me luck today...I will probably cry when I leave her with her Daddy. I will write more later when I get home from work to let you know how the day went.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Julia Found her Thumb

Yesterday we had a very busy day. We took Julia to her first Great Outdoors Show (a hunting and fishing exibit) and then to the New York State Museum. She was super excited by the whole event...as she slept through the entire thing. Then we came home and Aunt Tina and Uncle Dave came to visit and hang out with Julia. Just around the time when Julia was about to eat...she found her thumb while Unlce Dave was holding her. Not too sure if she will continue it but she found it and we have the picture to prove it.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Slept Through The Night

Ok so Aunt Tina watched Julia last night so that Scott and I could go see a movie. Went to see Failure to Launch and thougth that it was pretty good. Got home around 10PM and fed Julia her last bottle of the night and her put her down around 10:30PM. Julia slept until 5AM...which is her sleeping through the night!! Yippie. Then she had her bottle and went back to sleep until 9AM got up, got a bath and had some breakfast and got ready to go get Uncle Dave from the train station.
After picking up Uncle Dave at the train station we went to the mall and walked around a little and had some lunch. After lunch Julia decided that she was going to have another incident with the whole 'poopy" issue. I went to the bathroom to change her and found that she had blown out another diaper. The poor thing had poopy all the way up her back and up her belly. It was so gross and I had to sort of give her a sponge bath so that I could get it all off. The poor little thing.
Now we are all home, clean and relaxing.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Schedule is back to normal

So last night Julia slept through the night. She went to bed at Midnight and slept til 6AM!! Got up at 6 had some breakfast (breastmilk) and then went back to sleep at 6:30 and slept til 9AM. Thank God her growth spurt is over because it has sure been a couple days with no sleep. Let's see how she sleeps tonight.
Aunt Tina is home from college for the week and she is going to watch Julia for a few hours while Scott and I go to the movies and then she is going to spend the night. She might even do the midnight feeding.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Got Daddy Good

Daddy did the midnight feeding last night and Julia decided to give him a little present. Somehow in the past five weeks he has managed to escape the projectile vomit that Julia sometimes has....until last night. I was sleeping and all of a sudden I hear him calling for my help. Julia had decided to throw up all over herself and her Father. Scott's shirt was covered as well as Julia. Should have gotten a picture but I was half asleep.

Earlier that night she had an incident with her explosive diarreha. Seems that the diaper that she had been wearing didn't quite fit her good enough. When I went to pick her up out of her swing to go and change her pants she had poopy all over her and the swing. Julia blew out her diaper and had pooped so much that it had leaked into her sock. The poor little thing. It was all over her so Daddy gave her a bath while I cleaned up the poopy. Somehow I think that I got the short end of the stick on that one.

All in all it was definately a night of messyness!!

Monday, March 13, 2006

Julia's 2nd "real" smile

Yesterday Nona, Poppy and Aunt Breanna came up to visit and we went and did a little shopping. Nona and Poppy decided that since they weren't going to be here for Julia's first Easter that they would buy Julia's Easter dress. So we went shopping at The Burlington Coat Factory. Got a hell of a deal on Julia's Easter dress and it is too cute. Will add that picture when it is Easter. Anyway, they also got her her first bunny. It is white with pink ears and plays this little song. Well Nona decided that while Poppy and Daddy were at the store getting windshield wiper blades for Nona and Poppy's cars that she would see if Julia liked it. And she sure did. She gave us hersecond "real" smile when we showed it to her and played with her. It was priceless and so wonderful after all this time to finally see her smile for real. Kind of funny how little things like that make all the difference in the world.

Julia's First "REAL" Smile

Yesterday Julia gave us her first "real" smile. She was laying on the floor in her Boppy and I was laying next to her talking to her and making her noises back to her....when she looked at me and smiled at me. It was the greatest thing to see. Unfortunatly Scott was at the store with my Dad and he missed it. But lucky for him we had a camera and took the picture so he could see.

Butterfly Kisses

This picture is from Breanna's Sweet 16 party. Julia and her Daddy are dancing to "Butterfly Kisses" and I just had to take the picture so that when she gets married (atleast 20 years from now) we can look back at this picture of her first dance with her Daddy. She is only a month old and is already "Daddy's Little Girl."

Sunday, March 12, 2006

My Little Angel

Just a cute picture of Little Miss Julia....I am always catching myself looking at it. Just thought that I would share it with everyone. She is certainly my little angel.

Up All Night - 5 weeks old

So last night was a very trying time. Julia decided that she wanted to stay awake until 1:30 this morning...get up again at 3:30AM and stay awake til 5AM and then get back up at 7:30AM. Then she decided that she would hang out and stay awake until 11AM. She is finally taking a nap right now in her swing...which she loves. I think that she might be growing again. She is already up to 9 pounds 2 ounces...and is growing like a weed. Mommy and Daddy didn't get much sleep but it is hard to be upset about it when you look into her beautiful eyes.