Our Newest Addition

Julia Suzanne was born on February 3, 2006 at 7:44AM She weighed 7 pounds 6 ounces and was 19 inches long. The most beautiful baby ever!!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


So I went back to work yesterday and it wasn't that bad. A 6 hour shift is actually quite nice. Julia had a harder time than I did though. After dropping her off at her Daddy's work around 3PM, she came home with him and their fun began. Scott didn't realize how much work is involved in taking care a baby ALL BY YOURSELF. See when he would come home at 3...we would share the responsibility. But when you are home all alone with her...it isn't as easy as one would like to think. You can't take a shower, or really get anything done because she requires all of your attention at night. The poor thing was still up when I got home from work at 10PM and was up until 11:30-12. I think that she just had a hard time being with her Daddy all night because she was so used to being home with her Mommy for 6 weeks. Wednesday should be interesting because she is going to be at Grammie's all day and then home with Daddy all night and so she won't see me for 12 hours. Atleast she isn't at daycare though and she is with family. She is trying to adjust just like us...so it might take some time. But boy am I sure tired today. She didn't really sleep all night and just wanted to be held. And even now...she is still awake. The poor thing is sooo tired that she won't just give in. The picture that I am adding today is her asleep on the couch...but crying in her sleep because she is sooo tired. It was too funny.


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